AXA Life Insurance Review

About AXA

AXA sells term life, whole life, universal life, variable universal life and survivorship life insurance. It also offers retirement and investment products.

In this review:

AXA customer satisfaction ratings
Life insurance complaints comparison
AXA contact information

AXA life insurance customer satisfaction ratings

We asked AXA life insurance customers to rate the company on several measures. Here are their ratings. In EverQuote's best life insurance companies survey, Principal life insurance had the highest overall rating.

Overall satisfaction: 3.5 stars

Price satisfaction: 4 stars

Customer service satisfaction: 4 stars

Would you choose AXA again?

As another measure of satisfaction, we asked current AXA life insurance customers if they would choose the company again.

In our survey, the highest percentage of people who would choose the same company again were customers of Pacific Life.

Life insurance complaints comparison

Here's a look at complaint levels among the life insurance companies in our survey. While many have very low complaint levels, Pacific Life has the lowest.

AXA contact information

AXA headquarters:
1290 Avenue of the Americas
11th Floor
New York, NY 10104
Customer service: (312) 935-3500

AXA beneficiary change form


EverQuote commissioned a survey of 150 current customers of the company in January 2019. The survey was not open to the public on

Next steps

Find out: How much life insurance do you need?

Choose: The types of life insurance

Compare: Life insurance quotes

Updated March 20, 2019

Company reviews