Guardian Life Insurance Review

About Guardian Life

Guardian Life Insurance sells term life, whole life and universal life insurance. The company also offers annuities, investments, disability income insurance and dental insurance.

Guardian Life Insurance satisfactions rating

Overall ratingPrice satisfactionCustomer service satisfaction

Would you choose Guardian again for life insurance?

Yes Maybe No
93% 5% 3%
Numbers might not total 100% due to rounding

See more ratings: Best life insurance companies

Complaints against life insurance companies

Every state's insurance department handles complaints against insurers that operate in the state. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) collects complaint data and produces a complaint ratio. The ratio shows the number of complaints relative to a company's size of business. The industry median ratio is 1.00 and lower numbers are better.

Complaints against Guardian Life are lower (better) than the industry median.

Guardian Life Insurance contact information

Seven Hanover Square
New York, NY 10004
Customer service: 1-888-Guardian (888-482-7342)

Methodology for ratings

For star ratings and whether customers would choose the company again, EverQuote commissioned a survey of 150 current customers of Guardian Life Insurance in March 2018. The survey was not open to the public on

Posted May 22, 2018