California Motorcycle Safety Training
CMSP (California Motorcyclist Safety Program)
The Motorcyclist Training Course is required for riders under the age of 21 that want to get the motorcycle endorsement on the California driver's license. It is also strongly recommended for new riders 21 or older. It is a total of 15 hours, with 10 hours of actual riding.
Topics include:
- Fundamental skills to operate a motorcycle
- Street riding skills
- Street riding strategies
- How motorcycles turn
- Proper cornering strategies
- Emergency crash avoidance skills
Motorcycles and helmets are provided for the course. Prices are typically in the range of $250-260, but some locations may have cheaper rates. Click here to find a location near you.
Over 950,000 motorcycle riders have received training since the program began in July 1987.
Advanced Rider Training
The CMSP program also includes a Premier Program which is an extended class that includes 13.5 hours of actual riding.
Learn more at California Safe Motorcycle Riding and also at