There are some questions people are afraid to ask when it comes to auto insurance. When dealing with your insurance carrier, there are no stupid questions. That being said, we debunk 7 car insurance myths that you may have seen floating around the Internet or heard in conversation. Watch the video below or read through the list, we are sure you’ll learn a few things!
Hi, I’m Ashley from Today, I’m walking you through seven myths about car insurance to set the record straight about what really raises your premium and affects your coverage.
Myth #1: Personal Finances Do Not Affect Your Car Insurance Rate
Insurers in most states do use your credit score when pricing your premium, so it’s important to keep your credit score high.
Myth #2: New Cars Cost More to Insure
In reality, older cars may lack several important safety and theft-prevention features that lower your premium. Don’t assume that an older car will be cheaper to insure—always verify with a few insurance quotes, first.
Myth #3: Red Cars Cost More to Insure
It hasn’t been proven that the color of your car influences the cost of your coverage, and it’s doubtful that your insurance company will even ask you about your car’s color.
Myth #4: Car Insurance Follows the Driver
In fact, car insurance follows your car more than it follows you. This means that you might not be covered when driving someone else’s car, and you might be liable if a friend gets in an accident while driving your vehicle.
Myth #5: Your Car Insurance Covers You When You Rent a Car
Your insurance carrier may cover a rented vehicle, but it’s important to check with your carrier. You may need to purchase supplemental insurance at the rental counter or take advantage of coverage offered by your credit card company.
Myth #6: Filing a Claim Always Raises Your Premium
Filing a claim against your policy certainly can raise your premium, but if it’s your first accident or you’re not at-fault, you may not experience an increase.
Myth #7: “Full Coverage” Means You're Covered No Matter What
Full coverage simply refers to a collection of policies (ex. comprehensive, collision); it’s not a guarantee that your insurance will cover you in any circumstance. Look over your policy carefully and speak with your insurer to know exactly what you’re covered for.
Do you know another car insurance myth? Maybe you're just not sure if what you heard is a myth or not. Please let us know - we would love to hear from you! Tweet us @EverQuoteInsure