Most Common Traffic Violations in Texas
This chart has been normalized so that all the numbers are ratios compared to the most common violation.
It's interesting to note that drivers are charged more often with a "speed contest" than with normal speeding.
Where does your state rank in violations compared to the nation?
If you have recent violations it will usually mean an increase in your auto insurance premiums. Insurance companies look at your personal record and may also look at how your city or state compares to national averages. The following data shows some interesting ratios of how often your state's residents are cited for particular violations compared to the national average.
It's very interesting that Texas is below the national average in every category tracked by EverQuote.
As an example to understand this chart, in Texas there are the same number of cited violations for non-chargeable accidents as across the nation. Meanwhile, there are only about 1/3 as many seat belt violations. This does not necessarily mean that Texans are more likely to wear their seat belts. It could also mean that Texas enforces or has less restrictive laws about seat belts.
Note: This data is based on approximately 1 million consumers that have visited EverQuote websites and filled out forms seeking new auto insurance. As such the data may be skewed due to the nature of self-reporting or fact that it is part of an online auto insurance quote form.